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We preserve and strengthen high-quality services and ensure their accessibility
The Green Party believes that everyone should have the right to accessible and effective services, regardless of where they live or their background.
Our goal is to ensure that children and young people receive support and security while growing up, that the elderly can live a safe and dignified life, and that healthcare, social care, and emergency service personnel receive genuine appreciation—not just in speeches, but in action. We must focus on the substance rather than the structure.

We Guarantee High-Quality Education for Everyone
Education is the key to Finland’s future prosperity and success, which is why we must invest now to ensure its quality.
Schools and daycare centers should have a peaceful working environment where both teaching and learning can take place effectively. Class sizes must be reduced, support for student welfare and learning must be increased, and the well-being of professional staff must be secured.

We Defend Nature and the Climate
Without a thriving natural environment and a healthy planet, there can be no well-being for humans or animals.
Municipalities and cities play a key role in reducing climate emissions and taking action against the effects of the climate crisis. We, the Greens, fight against biodiversity loss and climate change by establishing nature reserves, reducing emissions, and making built environments greener.
At the same time, we make people’s everyday lives simpler and more sustainable while promoting the well-being of other species.
You can vote!
You may have the right to vote in municipal and county elections.
If you are a citizen of Finland, other EU Member state, Iceland, or Norway.
If you have had a municipality of residence uninterrupted for two year in Finland regardless or you citizenship.